Ezekiel Ch.46 brings us back to the East Gate, or rather focuses our attention on it anew, for we have been there all the time. It is where the Prince meets the people, and officiates on their behalf.

It shall be shut (v.1) the six working days, and opened on the weekly sabbath and monthly new moon (as also clearly on the great yearly feasts). There the Prince shall stand and worship God before all the assembled people in the Tabernacle, who fill the Separate Place with their eyes all turned to this East Gate.

(We urge a familiarity with the illustrations in bro. Sulley's book, in order to visualize these scenes. The Separate Place is the four triangular corners between the square and the round buildings.)

The Ascent to the Altar (AV: stairs 43:17) on the top of the mountain is directly facing the middle East Gate. Up this Ascent all the sacrifices must be conveyed to be consumed by the fire of God upon the summit. Whether the Prince himself ascends the mountain to the Altar on special occasions, we do not know. We are not told. It would seem fitting he should, in sight of the hushed and worshiping multitude. It is the holiest place of all (43:12)-

"This is the law of the house. Upon the top of the mountain the whole limit round about shall be most holy. Behold, this is the law of the House."

An ascent thereto would, like a greater antitypical Moses, be a beautiful and impressive enactment of that glorious promise to all who have the wisdom to perceive the beauty of holiness-

"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?

Or who shall stand in His Holy Place?

He that hath clean hands and a pure heart"

Bro Growcott - BYT 4.18.

1 Thus saith Adonai Yahweh; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened.

The position of the Prince and the people

during the celebration of these feasts is defined thus vv 1-3.

...the Prince goes into the precincts of the outer court on the eastern side through the inner

court gates, and not from the outer court gate which, as already explained, is closed after the entry into the Temple of the glory of the Lord.

Accordingly the representatives of the Prince stand at the gates of the inner court to worship there while the offering is made upon the altar. The people also assemble

before the entrance at this gate for the same purpose.

The significance of verse ten is obscured in the A.V., but to some extent more clearly expressed in the R.V. by the introduction of the word " they". The verse may read thus :

And the prince in the midst of them, in their going in, shall go in ; and in their departing, they shall depart.

This implies a plurality of individuals in association with the Prince which can only be explained by the recognition of the fact that the princely community comprises the

Lord of Glory and his brethren who officiate in the manner described in these verses.

... the Lord Jesus will again eat of the passover lamb which is to be offered by Himself as PRINCE over Israel.

...The Prince and his immense retinue (Jesus and his disciples) may take their places in the extensive range of buildings on the eastern side, filling its galleries and overspreading its court. The people of the land, also an immense multitude, assemble in the four triangular

corners of the inner court, ranged in close, but not crowded companies.

From right to left, extending around the three mile circuit, they fill the spaces allotted

to them before the " door" of the eastern inner gate, and offer worship through the Lord of glory.

When the people thus assemble before the east gate, they assemble in the presence of the Prince, as Yahweh, to whom they render worship. Accordingly it is written :

Everyone . . . shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord {Yahweh) of Hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. (Zech. xiv. 16.)

The Temple of Ezekiel's prophecy 5.2.10.

2 And the prince shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate without, and shall stand by the post of the gate, and the priests shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate: then he shall go forth; but the gate shall not be shut until the evening.

When giving the measurement of the Eastern "gate " Ezekiel speaks of it as the gate of the " coming in ee-thohn, Chap. XL. 15. Now we have seen from Ezekiel's description (Chap, XL.) that the gates on the eastern side are just like those on the north and on the south; but although all the gates are alike in every particular those facing the east assume a pre-eminence by reason of a transcendent event...

This wonderful entry into the Temple of " The King of Glory " seems to be foreshadowed by the use of the word ee-thohn' when the length of the east gate is given, for after Ezekiel saw the glory of Yahweh enter the sanctuary he was taken to the outside of the building facing the east and found the eastern gate closed...

This twice-repeated injunction respecting the closed gate applies only to the outside gate of the eastern outer court—strictly speaking, the outer court gate on the eastern side, ...

the Prince shall enter he shall go in by the way of the porch of that gate, and he shall go forth by the way thereof. (Chap. XLVI. 1, 2, 8.)

Accordingly the inside gate of the court on the eastern side is usually closed, but opened on occasions for the observance of certain ceremonials... When the gate of the inner court is closed, the outer court and its cellae on the eastern side forms an extensive secluded palace " for the Prince"

The Temple of Ezekiel's prophecy 5.2.10.

10 And the prince in the midst of them [going into the inner court first, just as other people do on those occasions], when they go in, shall go in; and when they go forth, shall go forth.

The external gate of the outer court remains closed being opened only once a year for the entrance of Yahweh Elohim [43: 2]

In saying that the east gate is for the Prince, Ezekiel indicates much. The statement would be significant if the east gate consisted only of one door or opening, but when we discover that "the east gate" means in its broad sense that portion of the house which incloses the outer court pavement on the eastern side our interest deepens.

The Temple itself, as those who have read the technical demonstration of the fact will see, will be over one mile square. The four sides are formed by a double row of arched rooms or banqueting halls. The space between the rooms is about two hundred feet wide, and is called the outer court.

On two sides of the square, viz., on the north and the south, access is obtained from the outside into this outer court through a series of gates. A visitor passing through any one of these gates would see opposite to him on the other side of the outer court, another gate: this is "the inner court gate."

The gates are placed between the dining halls on either side of the outer court which, together with the towers at either end, completely enclose that part of the house called "the outer court." Both inner and outer court gates on the north and south sides of the square appear to be always open, so that anyone can walk into the inner court within; this, however, is not the case with the eastern side of the house.

The gates on the outside [of the eastern side of the house] are open on one occasion only.

Through these massive portals "the Elohim of Israel" enter, the Host of the Mighty One of Jacob they are. They enter with a great noise, even the "noise of many waters" (chap. 43:2). Possibly singing

"Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in" (Ps. 24:7).

After the official entry of this righteous, glorious, and immortal multitude the eastern gate remains shut, i.e., all the outermost gates on the eastern side remain shut during the thousand years, so that no man can enter the temple on that side.

Now if the innermost gate, or what is called the inner court gate, on the eastern side were likewise to remain shut, that part of the house could never be entered in the ordinary way. But there is a special use assigned to this part of the house on special occasions, as already mentioned,

"on the Sabbaths, and in the day of the new moon."

For this purpose the gates are opened. It is for the prince who shall eat bread in it before Yahweh, and when this part of the house is so used, i.e., the outer court, on the east side it is reached by walking from the inner court into the outer court through the inner court gates. It will thus be seen that one must enter the house either on the north side or the south side, and pass into the inner court before the outer court on the east side can be reached.

And when one leaves the outer court on the eastern side it must be by returning through the same openings as those through which access is obtained, because the outermost gate on the eastern side remains closed.

And so it is written concerning the Prince, that he shall be required to enter this part of the house in this way, by going into the inner court first, just as other people do on those occasions when he officially recognises and honours the Father, thus: 

"And the Prince in the midst of them, when they go in shall go in and when they go forth shall go forth" (chap. 46:10).

This method of exit and entrance would make his form and visage known to the people. His would be a familiar figure, and like all things with which people become familiar, would in the end fail to impress poor mortality with a due sense of the importance of that which could be seen.

This seventh day appearance of Messiah is quite compatible with other and higher functions which He will perform. It is but a weekly manifestation of graciousness on the part of an immortal which has occasionally been exhibited in the past, such as when three angels visited Abraham, and two of whom appeared to Lot. Such as the ever-to-be-remembered interview between Jacob and the angel; and as illustrated in other cases which need not now be mentioned particularly.

The Christadelphian, Sept 1888

16 Thus saith Adonai Yahweh; If the prince give a gift unto any of his sons, the inheritance thereof shall be his sons'; it shall be their possession by inheritance.

The word "son" was anciently used (as it still is in Oriental countries) in a much wider than the strictly literal sense of western usage. While applied to a begotten child, it also extends not only to children, adopted, but to all sustaining a filial relation, though not adopted.

Friendship, or moral affinity, or resemblance, is even found justifying the use of "father" and "son," according to the relation existing. The inventor of musical instruments, for example, is styled the father of all such as use them. So in the case of other inventors.-(See Gen. 4:20.)

"Sons of Belial" is a frequent illustration; "son of Wickedness" (Psalm 89:22), "son of Sorrow" (Gen. 35:18), "son of Perdition" (2 Thess. 2:3.) also occur. "My son," continually addressed in the Proverbs to anyone disposed to listen (Eccles. 12:9; Prov. 1:3-7) is a prominent example.

Now, it is testified of the Messiah that notwithstanding that he should be "cut off" and natural generation prevented, he should see his seed (Isaiah 53:10.) That is, that he should have a family of children, though natural pedigree would be cut off.

Paul leaves no doubt on this point in applying the sign-words of Isaiah to Christ: "Behold, I and the children that God hath given me."-(Heb. 2:13.) He is the captain of their salvation, leading many sons unto glory."-(Heb. 2:10.) Doubtless, they are sons of God, but in the sense that they are His seed, they are also his sons, as they are the sons of Abraham, than whom, Christ is higher.

Now Christ as "the Prince" of the Age to come, "Messiah the Prince,"-(Dan. 9:25.); the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6, ) will give of his inheritance to his sons. He will also give to "his servants," that is, such of mortal Israel as walk acceptably before Him; but the difference between the two is apparent in the fact, that while land given to "the servants" returns to the Prince at the year of jubilee, the inheritance given to his sons-immortal saints-is a perpetual possession.-(Ezek. 4:16-17.)

The Christadelphian, Feb 1873

18 Moreover the prince [Nasi] shall not take of the people's inheritance [nachalah HaAm] by oppression, to thrust them out of their possession [achuzzah]; but he shall give his sons inheritance [banim nachalah] out of his own possession [achuzzah]: that My people be not scattered every man from his possession [achuzzah].

19 Then he brought me through the entry, which is at the side of the gate [Sha'ar], into the holy cellae for the priests [lishkhot hakodesh of the Kohanim], which look towards the north [tzafonah] ; and, behold [hinei], there (is) a place on the hinder part westward. (Verse 19, R.V.).

...the hinder part westward (verse 19, R.v.) is the better rendering ; for since the south is said to be on the right side of the house, and the east is said to be the front of the house (Chap, XLVII. I.) the western side must be the " hinder part " referred to. Probably reference is here made to the whole of the western side, with its corner courts to be used for the storage, preparation, and disposal of a vast quantity of food required for the worshippers.

..."Behold, there is a place on the hinder part westward."

Ezekiel sees the '" place " afar off, but he did not then become acquainted with its construction. He is told :

This is the place where the priests shall boil the trespass offerings; . . where they shall bake the meal offering; that they bring them not out into the outer court to sanctify the people.

This verse indicates a means of intercommunication between the cella and the place without passing into the outer court.

20 Then said he [the angel] unto me, This is the place where the priests boil the trespass offering [Kohanim shall cook the asham] and the sin offering [ chattat], where they shall bake the meal offering [minchah]; that they bear them not out into the outer court [Khatzer HaKhitzonah], to sanctify the people [and so set apart as kodesh HaAm].

WHEN Ezekiel was shown the size of the corner courts and their furnishings, doubtlessly he was taken along the outer courts, commencing his tour at the northwest corner, going eastward, passing through the court on the eastern side, and ending his journey at the southwest corner of the south court (Chap. XLVI. 19-24). (Plate II.) Thus we read :

Afterwards he brought me again into the door of the house; and behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward ; for the forefront of the house stood towards the east, and the waters came down from under, from the right side of the house at the south side of the altar. (Chap, XLVII. I.)

The Temple of Ezekiel's prophecy 5.3.

21 Then he brought me forth into the outer court, and caused me to pass by the 4 corners of the court; and, behold, [ a court in every corner of the court]

In view of the use of the upper parts of the corner courts, reference to which will be made later, the buildings forming " the rows round about " may fill in between the corners of these courts to the full measure as shown Plates II and III. They form a terminal to the outer court buildings at the end of each face of the sanctuary.

These massive towers, 360 feet square [180 ft x 180 ft] and at least 480 feet high form the necessary abutment to counteract the thrust of the arches of the outer court.

The four courts and their buildings will cover an area at least six times that of 'St. Paul's' Cathedral, London.

22 In the 4 corners of the court [are] courts {smoking) 40 {reeds] long and 30 broad: [one measure to their four corners].

The difference of rendering is caused by including a word at the end of verse 22, which some translators disregard, on the ground that the Masorites indicated their doubt whether

that word should form part of the text. They could not understand its application. There does not, however, appear to be any reasonable ground for excluding it. The retention of the word in the text implies that the larger measure must be applied vertically; thus we have

'' one measure to their four corners,"

i.e., one measure to each corner of every corner court. The smaller dimension gives the measure of each side of the square. The larger measure is its altitude.

...reeds are substituted for cubits, because the word " cubit " is not in the original and has been inserted by the translators for no apparent reason. The measure of the house is the reed, and the courts are said to be of one measure, and therefore each side of the square is thirty measures ox thirty reeds broad, and forty measures or forty reeds high, thus forming a court 30 reeds (180 cubits) square, whose superstructure rises 40 reeds (240 cubits) high.

..." Smoking " corners to the corner courts. The word q'turot rendered " joined" in the A.V. is variously translated by scholars. The expression nhaserot qturot is more correctly translated smoking or steaming with fragrance, a rendering supported by many other occurrences of the word in the Old Testament, and by the marginal reading of the AV., " made with chimneys"

23 And a row [of masonry] [round about to the four of them], and made with boiling places [hearths] under [at the bottom of] the rows round about.

Immediately after receiving the injunction Ezekiel is brought out into the outer court and is caused to pass by, or through, the four courts, commencing his tour at the west corner of the sanctuary.

"Marking well the entering in of the house, with every going forth of the sanctuary."

it must be evident that Ezekiel passes into the corner courts from the outer court, therefore there is a way into them from the outer courts, as already noted. During Ezekiel's tour of iinspection he discovers that all four corner courts are alike and of one measure, thirty reeds each way, or one hundred and eighty cubits square. Round about the four of them under the rows, i.e., in the lower portion of the buildings surrounding the courts, are contrivances for cooking, where the priests of the house boil the sacrifices of the people.

....It should be remembered that Ezekiel describes the house, as in full preparation for the inaugural ceremony, the flesh of the offering being upon the tables. (Chapter XL·., verse 43.) In passing each corner court he probably also sees food in preparation, and observes the smoke or steam ascending therefrom. Parenthetically, he gives expression to the fact thus :

" In the four corners of the court I saw courts smoking "

or steaming with fragrance.

24 Then said he unto me, These are the places [Bais HaMevashelim] of them [Levites] that boil, where the ministers [Mesharetim] of the house shall [Bais] boil the sacrifice of the people [zevach HaAm].


Concerning the corner courts, Ezekiel is told that they are

" the places, i.e., the house (baith) of them that boil" (Chap. XLVI. 24).

This appears to indicate that the upper part of the towers will be utilized for residences.

Here the Levites, when serving in the Temple by courses, would be close at hand during the period of service ; when they are " off duty" they would retire to their " houses " in the portion set apart for their use, viz., in the Levites' portion in the Holy Oblation 

But the towers are also said to be " made with chimneys" (Chap. XLVI. 23 ; marginal rendering), or furnished with suitable arrangements for conveying effluents from the kitchens underneath.

These chimneys will probably be at the corners of each tower, forming four blocks at each corner.

The Temple of Ezekiel's Propecy 5.2.8

Speaking from an architectural point of view, the temple towers seem but a necessary adjunct to the building of which they form a part. It has been stated that ancient architects strove to obtain effect by the length of their facade or frontage, while the moderns endeavour to impress the observer by the height of their buildings.

In the Temple of the age to come, when the Son of God builds the temple of universal worship, all previous structures will dwindle into insignificance by comparison; a building whose facade is over one mile long, whose towers are 360 feet square and 480 feet high ; whose outermost buildings are a double range of magnificent rooms, each 100 feet long by 50 feet wide, and perhaps 120 feet high in their several storeys is, far, far greater in

magnificence than anything the world has ever seen either in ancient or modern times.

A building such as that specified in Ezekiel cannot be adequately described. Words fail to convey a due sense of its magnitude, but the spirit of God in the prophets has indicated the wonder of its immensity thus :

Walk about Zion, and go round about her: tell the towers thereof.

Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces; that ye may tell it to the generation following - Psa 48: 12,13.

When the distance to be covered by each visitant to the Temple, as delineated on the map of the " Holy Oblation" (see Plate XIV) is realised—something like twenty- five miles—the necessity for some provision for feeding the people before leaving the sanctuary becomes manifest. But apart from the necessity, the Deity has a distinct purpose in this direction, as already mentioned, see the following testimony :


The mountain referred to is Mount Zion and Jerusalem where Yahweh is to reign before his ancients gloriously. We may be perfectly sure that when the Lord sets His hand to do this, the feast will be a vast and glorious affair.

" In the mountain of Yahweh it will be seen,"

and in the service of His Temple. One item indicating the vastness of these feasts is the immense provision for vine trees, and the size of that part of the house which may be called the cooking kitchens, i.e., the corner courts, 180 cubits, or 360 feet square. Four of these kitchens are approximately three times the area upon which St. Paul's Cathedral stands. The use of this part of the Temple is thus described :

These are the places of them that boil, where the ministers of the house shall boil the sacrifices of the people. (Ezekiel 46: 24.)

In these places also they "Bake the meat offering" (verse 20). Baking the meat offering must include preparation of bread for the service of the sanctuary. There are four of these immense kitchens ; they will be needed, although they are so large.

But in what part of the house is the eating to take place ? Surely, in those delightfully-sheltered galleries in the outer court. In the upper storeys of these buildings which flank the outside wall and the double row of buildings on the western side, ample provision will exist for this part of the programme.

These galleries comprise rooms each say one hundred feet in length and about fifty feet wide. Over the porches a terrace, or gallery, extends the full length of the outer court, between the corner courts or kitchens, from whence, along the terraces, the food can be quickly conveyed.

There would be something like 1,776 rooms in each storey of the outer court buildings ; half of them, or 888, may be used for feeding the multitude, the remaining portion being used for special purposes.

If the buildings are three storeys high there would be 2,664 dining halls, each larger than most banqueting halls.

In these dining parlours the worshippers may be regaled in that feast which the Deity makes unto all peoples of the earth. We may well forbear to calculate the number of people who could be entertained in such a suite of rooms—at a shrewd guess, we may safely say three or four hundred thousand at one sitting.

But the charm of the arrangement is that this immense number thrice told could go up and be served without the least confusion or crush. They enter the gates, they pass into the broad outer court. The oblation, or portion which each worshipper brings, and which may be used for food, is elevated to the terrace overhead, and conveyed to the kitchens.

The worshippers upon returning from the central building after judgment, pass through the lower storeys of the cellae to the lifts at the side of the gateways, they ascend to the dining hall cellae above, and there obtain food prepared and served by the ministers of the house.

The lines of traffic are not crossed in all this service. In fact, the plan solves a problem which military men have found difficulty in solving, i.e., how to feed, without confusion, millions of people. Never in the history of man has such a thing been done effectively.

Large multitudes, such as a vast army in campaign, may have been provisioned, but not in so small a space. Spread over a wide tract of country, the thing has been done with more or less confusion and breakdown ; here it will be different.

The boiled meat—probably served cool, the baked meat, the luscious fruit and the cheering wine, will form a repast of exquisite sense, needing nothing further in the way of embellishment or sumptuousness.

The modern method of catering for a depraved taste, by which the palate is vitiated, its tone destroyed, and its natural sensitiveness lost, so that the delicate flavour of some cereals is almost unknown or despised, we may be sure will be absent.

The Temple of Ezekiel's Prophecy 5.2.7.