The Apocalypse In Amos.
Amos, who was contemporary with Isaiah, adds his testimony to a like effect. He says that Yahweh will roar from Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; but that he will do nothing without first revealing it unto his servants the prophets.
He predicted that the ten tribes of Israel should be carried into captivity beyond Damascus; that there should come a famine of hearing the words of Yahweh, and that Israel should run to and fro to seek the word, but should not find it, as it has come to pass for the past eighteen hundred years.
He foretold the desolation of the kingdom in all its elements; but also that Yahweh will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob; but that he would sift them among all nations as grain is sifted in a sieve, yet that not one good seed should fall to the earth to rise no more: for that when the indignation shall be completed, Yahweh will raise up the dwelling-place of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; he will raise up David's ruins, and build the kingdom AS IN THE DAYS OF OLD; that they who shall inherit it, may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the nations when Yahweh's name shall be proclaimed to them: then Israel shall be planted upon their land, and rooted up no more from thence, saith Yahweh Elohim, who hath given it to them, and not to the Gentiles (ch. 1:2; 3:7: 5:27; 9:8,11-15).
The prophecy of Amos
Amos was one of the earliest prophets whose writings have come down to us. Only Jonah appears to have been earlier. Jonah prophesied concerning the conquests of Jeroboam II (2 Kgs. 14:25), apparently between the time Jehu lost these territories and Jeroboam regained them. In Amos' time they appear to have been already regained (6:2).
Amos prophesied in the days of Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam II of Israel: around 780-740 BC. Isaiah and Hosea also prophesied under these kings, but they both continued until the time of Hezekiah, so they in all probability started somewhat later than Amos.
Our principal purpose in studying any portion of Scripture must be for lessons and guidance for ourselves. This, says Paul, was why it was recorded (1 Cor. 10:11; Rom. 15:4). We must constantly remember this.
Amos' name appears to mean Burden or Burden-bearer. Except for the last few verses of the book, all is judgment, condemnation and punishment. Amos' prophecy is concerned principally with the northern kingdom of Israel. Judah and Israel were both at this time at the summit of prosperity. Uzziah and Jeroboam II were strong and competent rulers. And in both cases we are told the prosperity and strength were of God's mercy and testing. But these kings and their people thought it was of their own cleverness and ability.
Everything outwardly appeared in order, and even especially blessed by God. And truly they were blessed (2 Kgs. 14:26-27)-
"The Lord saw the affliction of Israel . . . and saved them by the hand of Jeroboam."
And concerning Uzziah (2 Chr. 26:5, 15-16)-
"God made him to prosper . . . He was marvelously helped till he was strong. But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction."
Let us note well that just because God blesses us, it does not necessarily mean He approves what we are doing, or is pleased with us. It may be just the final test, the final manifestation of His patience, the final opportunity before a terrible judgment.
It was so with Israel.
Bro Growcott - Seek Yahweh, and Ye Shall Live